Where is Learnerchain registered?

Learnerchain is a British company registered in London, United Kingdom. We are also a proud member of BESA Launchpad (British Educational Suppliers Association). Please refer to the About Us section to learn more about our membership and other details.

For how long has Learnerchain been delivering programmes?

Learnerchain’s programmes have been operating for almost 30 years, in some cases, since 1994. Other programmes such as the Dubai Explorer Programme are brand new, exploring exciting and new destinations. For the history of a specific programme, please reach out to your representative who can share past photos, videos and testimonies. Whether a programme has been running for decades or is brand new, Learnerchain is committed to delivering only the highest quality experience for your students.

Does my school need to pay for a Premium Partnership to travel with Learnerchain?

No. The idea of the Premium Partnership Model is to allow schools with large numbers of students to collect a larger per student commission through paying the membership fee to Learnerchain upfront. However, if you would prefer not to pay for the premium partnership, that is absolutely fine. You can still access all Learnerchain prices and with the same prices, just with a lower per student commission, normally $200.

Can I just travel to one location/programme per year?

Any school can travel to multiple programmes per year, as many as you want. Learnerchain recommends focusing on a maximum of a three programmes per year to not confuse parents with too many options but ultimately the decision is up to the school leadership.

Which programme do you recommend our school joins?

Learnerchain has a portfolio of over 20 different educational programmes. We recommend selecting an international programme that is a good fit for your students and school curriculum. For example, if the school has a strong debating society and participates at National Model United Nations, you should definitely consider travelling with Learnerchain to the Model United Nations in New York, hosted at the real United Nations Assembly Hall.

Do teachers travel for free or do we need to pay a fee for them to travel with the group?

Our policy is one teacher always travels free for every 10 students. This applies to all our programmes, whether you are travelling to New York, London or even Singapore!